Valley Mini Storage  
    639 Carson Blvd, Fountain, Colorado. 80817  
      Free Items      

During our 28 years at this same location, we have seen a good number of things go to the land fill that could have been of good use to someone else. The Internet has now allowed us to make these items available to others for free and not be thrown away. Believe me, I have seen some remarkable items hauled to to the dump just because we did not have a way to make people aware of units that have either been abandoned or, simply people who chose to leave some items behind. We have no interest in charging for these goods. They are "Free". If you have an interest in being on our E - mail contact list, "Click here" to fill out the Free Items Notification Form and we will contact you by E - mail each time a unit or individual contents becomes available.

For: Free Item Release Form Click Here, fill it in and print it out. "You will need to exchange this form for the storage goods."

You will need Adobe reader to access this form. If you do not have this on your computer, Click here for a free one time download from Adobe.

  Free Items 1   Please run your mouse over the "Happy Face" to display the contents available for free   "Not Available Yet"  
  Free Items 2     "Not Available Yet"  
  "Not Available Yet"     "Not Available Yet"  

Any individual taking posession of the free goods in a unit are required to take the entire unit leaving the same in a rentable status. There is

"No Cherry Picking allowed".

If you take these free items, it is subject to taking 100% of the contents


Office Telephone # (719) 390-7900 - Fax # (719) 629-9122 - E-mail: