Valley Mini Storage  
    639 Carson Blvd, Fountain, Colorado. 80817  

We do grant special access after our normal operating hours. We put a great deal of emphasis on security and our access policies are in place to insure that goal.

To obtain special access after hours, you will need to visit our front office in person, during normal business hours. "We will not grant special access via a telephone call" You will need to see one of our managers in person, explain your need for this special access. You will also need to provide them with a picture I.D. showing that you are one of our tenants and have this legal right of access. We do not allow others to act as your agent or substitute after hours. You must be present during this after hour access. There are no exceptions to this rule.

We work closely with the Fountain Police Department. They are entitled to gain access to our facility any time they see something suspicious or feel a reason to check any after hours on-site activity.


Office Telephone # (719) 390-7900 - Fax # (719) 629-9122 - E-mail: